Reflexology is a non invasive therapy that
• Calms your nervous system
• Improves nerve function
• Enhances circulation and oxygenation
• Relieves pain
• Boost metabolism
• Aids in releasing toxins
• Opens neural pathways, enhancing brain function
• Reduces headaches
• Helps to relieve depression and anxiety
• Works to balance any of a host of conditions you may be experiencing

Reflexology provides an avenue to hit a deeply relaxed state in a very short amount of time. This deeply relaxed state along with the reflex points being stimulated create a nourishing environment where inner peace can be present. When your nervous system hits this state; circulation and oxygenation can move freely move through your body. This nourishes all your organs, muscles and tissues. Your organs can then perform at a more optimal level and align
more with a pattern of health versus a pattern of Dis – Ease. This therapy includes a 10 minute luxurious foot soak in warm water with health enhancing bath salts and essential oils. Each foot is individually worked and then it is completed with the integration of both feet being worked simultaneously. It feels so amazing that one can easily disassociate it from the fact that it is a solid, proactive practice to build and maintain your health! Sessions are 45 minutes long with longer blocks of time available for more intensive work.