About us

I am a single mom of four amazing men. They were 2,4,6 and 8 at the time of my divorce. They are and always will be the best of everything in my heart, soul and life. I was born with an abundance of sensitivity, emotions, and curiosity. It took me a while to navigate through these and to come out the other side with a deeper understanding, I originally saw them as a “curse” because I always felt everything so incredibly deeply and on many levels. I now embrace them as a blessing.

Judy Clark – Intuitive Coach
Certified Natural Health Consultant, Certified Natural Health Instructor, Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Iridologist, Certified Aromatherapist, Certified Reflexologist, Homeopathy, Certified Reikissage Therapist

The storms of my life took me (at times kicking and screaming in anger and in pain) into the deepest parts of myself. I was what felt to be cracked wide open many times unsure of my own survival into the truth of who I am today and who I continue to evolve into. I have always been connected to the root of things and how we as humans and souls evolve through this world. I am a wholistic practitioner and believe in the connection of things and looking at the “whole” picture not just a section of it.